Versão em português
English version
Versión en español



The 21st FIEPS International Scientific Congress and the SPECIAL EDITION OF THE FIEP NEWSLETTER accepts unpublished papers in Portuguese, English or Spanish, with title, abstract and indexing terms in the original language, English and Spanish. All accepted papers for publication will have a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), registered at CrossRef (crossref.org). The Scientific Productions will be published in the “FIEP ONLINE NEWSLETTER and available for download in the first edition at www.fiepbulletin.net 2024.

The publications have been available since 1931 for 146 countries, as long as they comply with the scientific norms of the Congress and Magazine with ISSN 2412-2688 and ISSN 2412-2688, indexed in the “SPORTS Discus” and classified by CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel), giving full credibility to the papers selected for publication. It has an Impact Factor of 3,485 (Multidisciplinary Area) based on the General Impact Factor Index (GIF) and B3 according to the CAPES assessment (2017-2020).

The Scientific Committee of FIEPS (CCF) will evaluate all the papers received and reserves the right to reject those considered inadequate and/or outside the scientific norms. For the purpose of submission, the papers must be paid at the time of the application and submission. If the paper is not approved, the International Federation of Physical Education and Sports will refund 50% of the amount paid as soon as the list of approved papers is published. The papers will be published according to the FILE SENT, exempting the organization of later corrections. The organization reserves the right to NOT SEND TO EVATUATION those papers that are were not paid in advance.


Papers in the VIRTUAL format will be presented on January 20 and 21 of 2024 through the ZOOM platform. Papers in the presential format will be presented on January 21, 22 and 23 of 2024 at UDC in Foz do Iguaçu-PR.


The submission period is from January 6th to 11th of 2023. . Once the scientific work has been approved, you can download the acceptance letter on the website: https://www.fiepbulletin.net/fiepbulletin/21congfieps. On January 18th of 2024, the schedule of the approved papers will be available on the same website, the date, time and place of the in person presentation.


4.1 – Read carefully he submission norms’ information available on the FIEP BULLETIN website: https://www.fiepbulletin.net/fiepbulletin/21congfieps

4.2 – Make the payment. Visit website https://congressofieps.com/pagamentos/

4.3 – Download the Article Template (WORD) with names for submitting the work and Template (WORD) of article without names for submitting the work.

4.4 – Submit the article or abstract on the submission page. Attach the file (WORD) of the version without identification, attach the version with identification and also proof of payment;

4.5 - If sending an abstract, use the specific template for abstracts.

4.6 - When submitting at "https://fiepbulletin.net/fiepbulletin/about/submissions", inform the "comments to the editor" field about the presentation option (in-person or virtual).</p >

4.7 – Check the final result and if the paper is approved, make the download the ACCEPTANCE LETTER at https://www.fiepbulletin.net/fiepbulletin/21congfieps

4.8 - Download the Template (PPT) to make your presentation;

When filling out the registration form, the participant must opt for the VIRTUAL OR PRESENTIAL presentation.




Works that report results performed in living beings must present in the body of the article the respective approval number of the Institution's Research Ethics Committee, according to Resolution of the National Health Council No. 466 of December 12, 2012.


I - The work file must be sent in WORD format. Font Arial 12 and the following page configuration - Margins: Top - 2cm; Bottom - 2cm; Right - 1 cm; Left - 2 cm. The complete article must have 10 to 12 pages (including tables, bibliographical references and abstracts) in English, Spanish or Portuguese. Graphs, figures, tables, charts, photos must be included directly in the text and with 300 dpi quality (JPEG format).

The manuscript must have the following structure:


2.Author(s) name(s);


4.Abstracts of articles (minimum of 150 words and maximum of 250 words) in the languages: English, Spanish, French and Portuguese (following this order), with the respective titles and their keywords (limit of 5 keywords separated by commas for each language) according to DECs - Health Sciences Descriptors (http://decs.bvs.br);

5.Introduction (with the respective objective);





10.Bibliographical References (Maximum of 30 references).

The title of the article must be in bold (not to exceed 10 words), in capital letters and left aligned. On the next line, include the full name of the author(s) and advisor(s) in capital letters, right aligned. In the line below, insert the Institution’s name, City, State, Country. Bibliographic citations must be made in accordance with the rules of the APA (American Psychological Association), 7th Edition, https://normasapa.org/. Bibliographic References must be limited to thirty (30) references. Below is an example of how to reference an article in a journal: Illustrations and tables, with the respective captions, must be inserted in the body of the text, in the case of illustrations, in files in JPEG extension, in CMYK mode for color and grayscale mode for B&W, with a resolution of 300dpi.

Files must be sent in compliance with published scientific standards and in accordance with the ARTICLE TEMPLATE, and Presentation Template.

The presentation will be in POWER POINT format lasting 10 (ten) minutes.

After the bibliographical references, the following data of the main author must appear, for possible publication in the Journal: 1. Complete address, 2. Telephone and 3. Email.

To submit the article, authors must use the article customized template, save in WORD and send.


Abstracts are considered as Free Themes: case studies, laboratory experiments, internship reports, research work, Postgraduate, Masters or Doctorate. Abstracts may be presented orally via Power Point or as a poster/banner. The online abstract’s presentation will be POWER POINT with lasting 5 minutes duration. Questions and considerations should be sent to the author's email.


Summary of up to 300 words in Portuguese. In English, the Abstract with up to 100 words. The 300 words in Portuguese must contain: Title, Introduction, Objectives, Methodology, Results and Conclusion, followed by up to 5 keywords. Keywords (separated by a comma) according to Health Sciences Descriptors - DECs (http://decs.bvs.br). Graphs, figures and tables will not be allowed in the abstracts.

The Abstract must be sent in WORD format, font Arial 12, with single space and page configuration Top: 2 cm, Bottom: 2 cm, Right Margin: 1 cm and Left Margin: 2 cm.

The title of the abstract must be in bold (not to exceed 10 words), in capital letters and aligned to the left. On the next line, include the full name(s) of the author(s) and supervisor(s) in capital letters, aligned to the right. In the line below, insert the name of the institution, city, state, country and main author email.

Standard size for poster/banner presentation: 0.90 x 1.10 and must be made of plastic canvas.

To send the Abstract, authors must use the customized abstract template, save in WORD and send.




Theme 1

Academic Education; Labor Market and Training in Sports.

Theme 2

Physiology: Medicine strictly articles, Sports Physiology, Biomechanics, Health Care Training.

Theme 3

Epistemological and Ethical Areas: sociocultural articles, referring to History, Philosophy, Culture and Imaginary.

Theme 4

Physical Education: articles related to the teaching of physical and sports activities in institutional contexts, based on philosophical or didactic perspectives.

Theme 5

Special Groups: featured articles on theoretical or practical issues with specific segments, Fitness, Personal Trainer, Senior Citizens and People with Disabilities.

Theme 6

Leisure, Recreation and Physical Education: specific reflections articles.

Theme 7

Physiotherapy, Nutrition, Nursing and other health areas.

Theme 8

Soccer, Futsal and Beach Soccer.

Theme 9

Psicomotricidade Clínica e Educacional.

Temática 10

Other Themes.



The investment for the submission of scientific papers must be made on the website: www.congressofieps.com


The registration fee is individual PER AUTHOR | COAUTHOR | ADVISOR and will obey the following table:



06/01 to 08/31/2023

R$ 165,00

09/01 to 11/01/2023

R$ 210,00



The registration fee is PER WORK and will obey the following table



06/01 to 08/31/2023


09/01 to 11/01/2023




1) PIX in favor of the FIEP Office in Brazil – Key is CNPJ 09688116000130

2) By Credit/Debit Card, directly on the website, with the flags:

3) Proof of payment (investment), must be attached together with the article, at the time of registration. Payment made with a CREDIT CARD must have the operator's percentage of 6.49% added to the final amount. Allowed installment of up to 03 Installments.


Prof. Dr. Antonio Eugenio Rivera Cisnero - México

Prof. Dr. Manuel Guerrero Zainos - México

Prof. Dr. Enric M. Sebastiani Obrador - Espanha

Prof. Dr. Arunas Emeljanovas - Lituânia

Prof. Dr. Daniela Dasheva - Bulgária

Prof. Dr. Balint Gheorghe - Romênia

Prof. Dr. Vladimir Findak - Croácia

Prof. Dr. Eleonora Mileva - Bulgária

Prof. Dr. Nicolae Ochiana - Romênia

Prof. Dr. Ivan Prskalo - Croácia

Prof. Dr. Domingo Blázquez Sánchez – Espanha

Prof. Dr. Leonardo Mataruna – Dubai/Emirados Árabes

Prof. Dr. Claude Scheuer - Luxemburgo

Prof. Dr. Leszec F. Korzeniowski - Polônia

Prof. Dr. Djibril Seck - África

Prof. Dr. Ken Hardmann - Inglaterra

Prof. Dr. Rui Proença Garcia - Portugal

Prof. Dr. Arnaldo Rivero Fuxa – Cuba  

Prof. Dr. Walter King Yan - China

Prof. Dr. Alexis Dionel C. Vargas – UAC - Chile

Prof. Dr. Branislav Antala - Eslováquia

Prof. Dr. Valecio Senna Vasconcelos da Silva - Rússia

Prof. Dr. Richard Almaguer López - República Dominicana

Prof.ª Dr.ª Raquel Hermeto Pedercini Marinho - Canadá


Prof.ª Dr. ª Ana Paula de Azevedo Albuquerque - MG

Prof.ª Dr. ª Eliana da Silva Coelho Mendonça – IFRR/RR

Prof.ª Dr. ª Eliane Cunha Gonçalves – UNESA/ES

Prof.ª Dr. ª Karinne Coelho de Oliveira – IFAL

Prof.ª Dr. ª Lucicleia Barreto Queiroz –UFAC/AC

Prof.ª Dr. ª Marilane de Cascia Silva Santos – Ipatinga/MG

Prof.ª Dr. ª Paula Roquetti Fernandes – CEAF/RJ

Prof.ª Dr. ª Sonia Maria Bordin – PR

Prof.ª Dr. ª Vera Lúcia de Meneses Costa – UGF/RJ

Prof.ª Dr. ª Yula Pires da S. F. de Meneses – UNINOVAFAPI/PI

Prof. Dr. Ademir Testa Junior – FIJ/SP

Prof. Dr. Claudio Augusto Boschi – BH/MG

Prof. Dr. Divanalmi Ferreira Maia – UNIFIP/PB

Prof. Dr. Emerson S. Garcia – UFMG/MG

Prof. Dr. Estélio Silva Barbosa – FAESP/PI

Prof. Dr. Fábio da Silva Ferreira Vieira – UNILOGOS/EUA

Prof. Dr. Fabiano de Jesus Furtado Almeida – UEMA/UNICEUMA/MA

Prof. Dr. Francisco Clineu França – CMF/CE

Prof. Dr. Francisco Trindade Silva/CE

Prof. Dr. Gabriel Cesar Dias Lopes – UNILOGOS/EUA

Prof. Dr. Gilson V. Torres – UFRN/RN

Prof. Dr. Hideraldo Bezerra dos Santos – UFRN/RN

Prof. Dr. Ivaldo Brandão Vieira – FIEPS/RJ

Prof. Dr. João Otacílio Libardoni dos Santos – FEFF/UFAM/AM

Prof. Dr. João Batista A. Gomes Tojal – UNICAMP/SP

Prof. Dr. Jorge Luis Martins da Costa – FAC. MADRE TERESA/AP

Prof. Dr. José Carlos de Sousa – UESPI/PI

Prof. Dr. José Irineu Gorla – UNICAMP/SP

Prof. Dr. Lúcio Marques Vieira Souza – UEMG/MG

Prof. Dr. Marcos Antonio Medeiros do Nascimento – FIP/PB

Prof. Dr. Paulo Eduardo Carnaval Pereira da Rocha– Fortaleza/CE

Prof. Dr. Paulo Ernesto Antonelli – UFOP/MG

Prof. Dr. Pedro Jorge Cortes Morales – UNIVILLE/SC

Prof. Dr. Renan Floret Turini Claro – FIJ/SP

Prof. Dr. Ricardo F. Pinto – UEPA/PA

Prof. Dr. Rinaldo Bernardelli Junior – Curitiba/PR

Prof. Dr. Sandro F. da Silva – UFLA/MG

Prof. Dr. Tadeu Cardoso de Almeida – UNIFEB/SP


Editor Chefe: Prof. Dr. José Fernandes Filho - EEFD - UFRJ/RJ-Brasil;

Editores Científicos:

Prof.ª Drª. Lilian Messias Sampaio de Brito/Brasil

Prof. Dr. Mauro Moraes Macêdo/Brasil.


Prof. Dr. Almir Adolfo Gruhn – FIEP/PR - Brasil

Prof. Dr. Fábio da Silva Ferreira Vieira – UNILOGOS/EUA

Prof. Dr. Fábio André Castilha – IFPR - Brasil

Prof. Dr. Cassio Hartmann - IFAL/AL - Brasil


Prof.ª Dr. ª Karine Coelho de Oliveira

Prof.ª Me. Poliana Piovezana dos Santos

Fotografia: Wilmar Hermann

Tecnologia da Informação: Eder Carlos Salazar Sotto