
  • Maria Do Socorro De Sousa Estrela Guedes
  • Thaís Henriques Machado
  • Edienne Rosângela Sarmento Diniz
  • Maria Do Livramento Neves Silva
  • Tânia Maria Estrela Gadelha Maia


envelhecimento, auto cuidado, percepção.


The growing population aging is generating a set of significant changes in the demographic, socio-economic and epidemiological profiles of our country. This way, there is the necessity of development of efficient policies that are capable to promote a better quality of life to this age group. Objective: to know the perception of the elderly about the human aging process and self-care. Methods: it is an exploratory-descriptive study of quantitative approach, which was developed at Odilon Lopes Living Center – Pombal – PB. The subject researchers were 13 elderly who were according to the inclusion criteria. The data were collected by means of interview performed by the researchers in December, 2009. The interviews were analyzed quantitatively, using the analysis technique of Collective Subject Discourse (LEFÉVRE and LEFÉVRE, 2005). All the ethic principles in the Resolution 196/96 of the National Health Council (BRASIL, 2002) were considered. The project was analyzed and approved by the Research Ethics Committee of Faculdades Integradas de Patos College, according to Opinion n.0433/2009. Results and Discussions: In relation to the characteristics of subjects, the predominance was the feminine sex, situated in the age group from 65 to 69 years, illiterate, whose source of income is retirements and pensions. It evidenced the prevalence of chronic diseases (85%), most with arterial hypertension (54%). The study also showed the control done by HFS professionals and the maintenance of healthy eating habits, although they were not adept of physical activity. 69% of the elderly have perception about aging due to the description made by them about the morphophysiological changes of body. Conclusion: It is emphasized the importance of educating the elderly about the natural aging process and the necessity of searching for strategies that promote a healthy aging.


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How to Cite

Guedes, M. D. S. D. S. E., Machado, T. H., Diniz, E. R. S., Silva, M. D. L. N., & Maia, T. M. E. G. (2012). PERCEPTION OF THE ELDERLY ABOUT HUMAN AGING AND SELF-CARE. Fiep Bulletin - Online, 82(2). Retrieved from

