
  • Silvana Helena Neves de Medeiros Jerônimo
  • Margareth Auxiliadora da Silva Oliveira
  • Mylla Gabrielle Soares de Araújo
  • Richardson Augusto Rosendo da Silva
  • Rejane Marie Barbosa Davim


Health education, nursing, health of the child


The newborn screening is a strategy employed for early detection of errors of metabolism before symptoms become apparent, enabling early treatment and the specific reduction or elimination of complications associated with each disease. Currently, this test can diagnose the private system, about 30 metabolic disorders and the public (depending on the state), four groups of diseases: congenital hypothyroidism, cystic fibrosis, hemoglobinopathies and hyperphenylalaninemia. Had as objective for this study was to evaluate the implementation of an educational booklet about the newborn screening test as a tool for health education for mothers. The venue was the University Hospital Ana Bezerra (HUAB), located in Santa Cruz, State of Rio Grande do Norte in the Northeast of Brazil. The institution was chosen for the development of professional practice and be a referral hospital for a population of low-income and low educational level thus requiring an investment in health promotion. Data collection was conducted with 40 mothers in HUAB, from March to June 2008. Of the 40 mothers interviewed, 20 were trained on what is the heel prick test only verbally and 20 beyond the verbal guidance received the booklet and had the opportunity to handle them at home. So, being shown that the majority of mothers who received the booklet had a better understanding of what was the test and what is its importance. Results showed that the educational booklet improved understanding of the interviewees in relation to this practice may be said of this research, the booklet prepared to fulfill its role as a tool for health education, and thus it is expected that the study hospital adopt the same as a pedagogical strategy for health education in the population of the municipality.


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How to Cite

Jerônimo, S. H. N. de M., Oliveira, M. A. da S., Araújo, M. G. S. de, Silva, R. A. R. da, & Davim, R. M. B. (2011). 220 - EDUCATIONAL PRIMER IN MOTHER GUIDANCE TO GUTHRIE’S TEST. Fiep Bulletin - Online, 80(2). Retrieved from https://fiepbulletin.net/fiepbulletin/article/view/2128

